Lutherans in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) are Christians who believe Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior. The simplest way to express who we are at St. Paul Lutheran Church is this: We are Jesus people. Similar to the first Christians who agreed on one very simple creed….Jesus is Lord!
We are a community of Word and Sacrament. What does this mean? (We ask that a lot as Lutheran Christians!) Well….. we share a common faith with other Christians who affirm the Bible as sacred Scripture and accept the ancient creeds as accurate summaries of our faith. God’s Holy Spirit is active in scripture, both in its understanding and proclamation (Word); through the living waters of Holy Baptism (Sacrament); and truly present in the meal, Holy Communion (Sacrament).
As Lutheran Christians, we believe that salvation is by God’s grace through faith alone.