Some of the goals set forth in MSP details recognized the need for our congregation to adjust to and engage the changing demographics and cultures of our community. To jump start this effort, a Hispanic Worship Expressions Ministry team has been started of which we are proud to be a part of.
As we progress through ministry development, we plan on continuing to celebrate Hispanic cultural event including an annual La Posada fiesta following our Living Nativity in December and an Epiphany event where we cut the traditional Rosca de Reyes (King's Cake) in which are hidden little baby Jesus figurines; whoever gets the figurines will then bring Tamales to a fellowship time in February.
We will continue to plan events that connect us and our local community to Hispanic culture including music, food, and more, and making use of bilingual publications and marketing. Through these events and promotions, we hope to grow in our openness to inclusion and diversity. With God's guidance we think that in the future we may be called to start a Bible Study and Worship service in Spanish to further share the Good News of Jesus Christ in our community.
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