Music Ministry


Every Sunday our praise band meets with our Music Director Chris Winn to lead the music for worship at 9:30 a.m. We have guitar, bass guitar, drums, extra singers, and more, depending on the Sunday. If you are interested in participating, please contact Chris Winn or the Church office to get more information!


St. Paul Chancel Choir meets periodically throughout the year to sing classical arrangements for special events such as our Cantata worship during Advent, Christmas Eve, and during Holy Week leading up to Easter. Please contact Chris Winn or the Church office for more information and to be involved.

W. Chris Winn

Director of Music


During the Sunday morning service in the Sanctuary, a team of sound and media ministers are working behind the scenes to ensure that all the messages are communicated well to the church body: from the sermon lessons to the music, to the scripture readings for the day, to the announcements for the week. Our sound ministers run the soundboard and oversee all the necessary connections required to make the sound effective. The media ministers run the SundayPlus computer program during services to give a visual effect to all components of the worship service, and we have a crew that rotates running the livestream of our worship on Facebook live. We invite you to be apart of our Multi-Media Sound Team. Contact Chris Winn, the Director of Music if you're interested.

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