In our Youth Ministry, our mission is to help youth find their way back to God, connect with others, and contribute to changing the world. We believe that Youth have the capacity to walk intimately with God, and we love to see them learn about Him and connect with Him through relevant discussions, worship participation, prayer, and fellowship.
St. Paul Youth Ministry for Senior High Youth meet for relevant discussion and staying connected.
Our Junior High Youth participate in Worship on Sunday mornings, helping lead as Acolytes, reading Scripture lessons, prayers, and other responsibilities.
Join us for SPY Lite events every first Sunday of the month for fellowship and family fun! All ages welcomed!
The month of June or July of every year.
Junior High and Senior High School youth are invited to participate in VBS as volunteers!
Faith - Religious Education - Confirmation Classes are held the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Please see Pastor Nate if your child is in the 7th or 8th grade.
Ninth graders meet with Pastor Nate in September and October of each year to finish preparations for their Affirmation of Faith (Confirmation) in worship on Reformation Sunday (the final Sunday of October).
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